How to Attempt SCOL Assignment 2024
How to Clear SCOL Assignments 2024
SCOL Assignments Help
Pattern of SCOL Assignments
SCOL Assignments (Symbiosis Center for Online Learning) conducts its Assignments Online and the student can attempt these assignments by logging to SCOL site using his/ her credentials like student ID and Password.
These SCOL Online Assignments can be attempted anytime by the student once these are open for the attempt.
Every subject will have separate assignments which are totally Objective based and carry Single Choice Questions and each question is of 1 mark. There will be 50 objective questions and a student has to attempt all these 50 objective questions within a time span of 2:00 hours. The passing marks are 50% i.e. 25 marks out of 50.
These SCOL Questions are Conceptual based and are designed to test the student knowledge about the subject matter. The questions can come from any chapters-Paragraph-Line from the course material provided by the SCOL.
Thus, to clear an Online SCOL Assignment, a student should read and remember the whole course material and should have clear concepts of all the chapters/ topics.
This seems to be quite difficult for a working student due to lack of time and other constraints.
We, as have mastered in this field and we will help and guide you to clear all your SCOL assignments within a short period of time or you can just allocate your work to us and get A plus grade.
Feel free to contact us anytime on the following contact numbers; we are sure that you would have a delighted experience!
SYMBIOSIS Skills and Professional University
SYMBIOSIS Center for Online Learning
The courses offered by SCOL are Online and under Distance Education mode, all the programs are recognized by UGC and Government of Maharashtra, hence a Degree is awarded after successful completion of the course.
Various courses offered by Symbiosis Skill and Professional University under the name Symbiosis Center for Online Learning (SCOL) are MBA, MBA (Lateral), BBA, B.Com and others.
For admission process there is No Entrance Exam but the applicant should possess minimum eligibility criteria like a Graduation Degree/ Mark sheet for MBA programs and Intermediate Mark sheet for BBA and B.Com programs.
The mode of education is Online with facility of online classes scheduled on regular intervals.
The course material is available both in Hard copy and Soft copy.
The Assignments and Exams are conducted online and the student has facility to choose the Subject, Date and Time for appearing the SCOL Assignments and SCOL Exams according to his/her convenience.
Pattern of SCOL Assignments and SCOL Exams is same as both carry 50 Objective Questions to be attempted in 2 hours of time.
Clearing SCOL Exams and SCOL Assignments thus need a thorough study of the Course Material provided by the University along with Clear Concepts of each and every Subject Matter.
Preparation for SCOL Exams and Assignments thus needs both time and dedication which is generally scarce with working students.
Help in SCOL Exams and Assignments is thus needed by every student and we as are here to help you in clearing all your Online Exams and Online Assignments in quick succession and that too with very good marks.
A student neither need to study the whole course material, nor has to take pressure of clearing exams. We will guide and help you in thoroughly professional way with a personal touch.
Feel free to contact us 24*7*365 on the following contact numbers and we will be pleased to assist you.